Wednesday, December 24, 2008

When doing the "right thing" goes wrong....

I don't even know how to begin. I am so upset right now. I feel like I am going to be sick all over my laptop. When did doing the "right thing" become bad? It seems to me that people who choose to do the "right thing" get punished. For example, oh yes, because I know you are dying to know why this is keeping me up tonight...
Earlier this week J had a potluck/gift exchange Christmas celebration for her gymnasitics team on 12/19/08.
1. We were informed about this on 12/13/08.
2. We were informed by J's mom that J requested that I make something that she really liked for the potluck... of course the email that said this failed to inform us of the dish that J wanted me to make.
So, we waited for details. Unfortunately, I like to plan my days out ahead of time (mistake #1). I called J at her mom's house on 12/18/08 so that I could find out what she wanted me to make for her potluck (mistake #2). I also wanted to know what present she would like me to get for her to take for the gift exchange. J had NO idea what she wanted me to make for her potluck. She had NO idea what gift she wanted me to purchase for the gift exchange. She had NO idea of the time frame for the potluck/gift exchange celebration. *sigh* I asked her to ask her mom for these details, as I was off to the store after the phone conversation. (mistake #3). J's mom would NOT give her the details, and informed J that she would be talking to her father later. Unfortunately, her father was at work. I told J that I was really sorry, but without these details, I wouldn't know what I could make, when I could make it or what to get for the gift exchange. Then her mom grabs the phone out of her hand and says, "Is there a problem?" I explain to her my dilemma (mistake #4.) She just lashed out at me telling me that it was none of my business, and that J already had a present to take and that SHE would be talking to R later that night, then... she hung up on me.

So what did I do wrong? Was I really that bad for trying to get this info so that I could be prepared for J's potluck/gift exchange. No. I did nothing wrong. I did the right thing, I was doing what was right for J, and unfortunately, her mother will always have a problem with that. *sigh*

Now on to the new problem. For all of you who do not know, my brother is going through a divorce right now. One that we believed to be a civil divorce... unfortunately, it has turned NASTY... all because someone tried to do the right thing. I will spare you the details, because it is really really disgusting, and hurtful to my brother. However, because of the lifestyle that my soon to be EX-SIL lives, she put my brother, her children and the children that she works with at risk for a potentially fatal disease. My mother informed EX-SIL's place of business of this risk, and now there is a restraining order against my mother... my neice and nephew's cannot see their Grammy for Christmas. This is such a new low for my EX-SIL, and trust me, we all thought she couldn't get any lower, it is heart breaking. This Christmas is the first Christmas that my nephews will be spending in a "split" household, but now she has to go and make it that much more difficult for them. EX-SIL claims that she is "afraid" that Grammy will harm the her children, which is a disgusting lie. Why do these children have to suffer for their Grammy doing the right thing?? My mother still cares for my EX-SIL, and wants her to receive the help that she so desperately needs, so that she can be a good mother to her children.

The point of this post is to bring attention to all the people who selfishly think only of their own lives, and do not consider the NEEDS of their children. Children need their families, and the people who love them. The way that some people use their children in divorce situations disgusts me, however, I cannot change these people, I can only learn from them, and VOW not to put my children in those situations.

For more information on how to get help with a difficult lifestyle, please visit

Monday, December 8, 2008


So there really is NO excuse for my lack of posting except for the fact that I'm totally overwhelmed at the moment. I started my new job at the hospital today, oh yes, I did get it! I am near the end of an extremely difficult math class and I am afraid that I am not going to pass, not to mention all of the Christmas stress this time of year provides!!! So, I'm sorry there hasn't been much for you to read.
One super happy thing that happened this weekend, I got to see my uncle HP as he drove his truck into town! He lives in Florida, but whenever he is in the area, he stops by, it was great to see him! He is the first extended family member to see baby D! I am completely enamored by HP, I only truly met him for the "first" time (that I remember) about 2 years ago. He is absolutely fantastic! He is so caring about our family (me, R, J, M, C, D and my mom, my brother, my nephews and my neice.) He loves spending time with us, and he is so so funny, an absolute riot!!Unfortunately, I forgot my camera to take pictures of the family reunion, but he did invite himself along for our future Disneyworld trip, which just gives me warm fuzzies that I am worth something, even though my own dad (HP's brother) doesn't seem to think so.
Last thing, because I feel a headache coming on. Christmas is a pain! The decorating, the presents, the cards! Ugh.
