Saturday, February 14, 2009

What makes a good Ex?

I read this on a blog that I often read, and I really like the message, I wish that someone else would stop watching CSI and NCIS to read and understand these...

1. A good ex is one who keeps the other parent up to date on the kids' school and doctors. That means sending copies of report cards, field trip notices, school newsletters for school and letting the other parent know ahead of time when doctor appointments are. Provide an update after the appointment.

2. A good ex is one who doesn't make the children feel bad for leaving them when they go to visit the other parent.

3. A good ex is one who allows the children telephone and Internet access with their other parent when they are with you without burdening them with your anger or resentment over it.

4. A good ex is one who doesn't grill the kids about what went on in the other parent's home while they were there.

5. A good ex is one who sees visitation as their child's time; not just the other parent's time...and respects that.

6. A good ex is one who shares transportation when possible. This time is for your child and both parents share responsibility for ensuring that time and bond. It should be referred to differently than parenting time because it's not just for the parent. It's for the child.

7. A good ex is one who is civil and polite without overstepping their boundaries.

8. A good ex is one who doesn't use the child's parenting time with the other parent as a bargaining tool to get what they want (you can have daughter if you give me xyz.)

9. A good ex is one who is emotionally healthy and is able to move beyond the resentments from the marriage/break-up to co-parent.

10. A good ex is one who doesn't make any demands on the other parent like there is still a relationship (fixing a car, moving something, a shoulder to cry on or ear to bend). That relationship is over. The only relationship you have now is as parents.

11. Don't answer the door in very little clothing. You likely will give the other parent something to laugh about later (been there, seen that, lol).